Dear all,
Hitherto, Section 25 License under The Companies Act, 1956, read along with Companies Regulation, 1956 was issued by the Regional Directors of the Respective Jurisdictions. Companies (Amendment) Regulation, 2011 has the following effects;
1. Regional Director has been relieved, and the Respective Registrar of Companies have been entrusted with the procedures of issuing section 25 Licenses.
2. Requirements to issue Advertisement in Regional Newspaper in Local Language and in National Newspaper in English has been withdrawn. (This saves a full one month in the process of Registration of a section 25 Company)
updated Companies Regulations, 1956 (as on May-2011) may be viewed or downloaded from the following link
CA. A. Joseph Arputharaj
Hitherto, Section 25 License under The Companies Act, 1956, read along with Companies Regulation, 1956 was issued by the Regional Directors of the Respective Jurisdictions. Companies (Amendment) Regulation, 2011 has the following effects;
1. Regional Director has been relieved, and the Respective Registrar of Companies have been entrusted with the procedures of issuing section 25 Licenses.
2. Requirements to issue Advertisement in Regional Newspaper in Local Language and in National Newspaper in English has been withdrawn. (This saves a full one month in the process of Registration of a section 25 Company)
updated Companies Regulations, 1956 (as on May-2011) may be viewed or downloaded from the following link
CA. A. Joseph Arputharaj